Images are only paintings, regardless of their beauty. However, they can be signs of the mysteries of our faith, a means of reminding us of them and “vehicles” of God’s graces. The images of the Jesus King of All Nations Devotion are of Jesus King of All Nations; St. Michael the Archangel and Jesus, Mediator, Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Grace.
Jesus told his Secretary, “To enable My children, who are feeble, to come to Me the more easily, I give them ‘reminders’, images of Myself, in one form or another. The image of Myself as ‘Jesus, King of All Nations’, is a gift of Love from My Heart to My children, intended to put before their minds the remembrance of Me and therefore help them to hold Me close in their hearts as My Most Holy Mother did so perfectly when she was on earth. When in the mind, the ‘image’ remains but an idea, but once the soul allows it to take root and grow in the heart, it becomes a living faith, a living reality, a living love.” (Journal, Preface).
Jesus King of All Nations
Jesus told his Secretary, “To enable My children, who are feeble, to come to Me the more easily, I give them ‘reminders’, images of Myself, in one form or another. The image of Myself as ‘Jesus, King of All Nations’, is a gift of Love from My Heart to My children, intended to put before their minds the remembrance of Me and therefore help them to hold Me close in their hearts as My Most Holy Mother did so perfectly when she was on earth. When in the mind, the ‘image’ remains but an idea, but once the soul allows it to take root and grow in the heart, it becomes a living faith, a living reality, a living love.” (Journal, Preface).
Jesus King of All Nations
The image of Jesus shows Him as King of All Nations crowned and holding a scepter of mercy in His right hand. Above the scepter are three concentric rings as in an atom which symbolize unity in God, in His Church, in nations and in Him. The small particle in the atom symbolizes the Church and Our Lady, both espoused to God. Rays of light shine from His wounds which symbolize His merciful graces. Blood flows from His wounded Sacred Heart upon all nations which symbolizes His love. His gaze falls upon the earth directly below and in front of Him.
Around the bottom of the image is the ejaculation, “O Jesus, King of All Nations, may your reign be recognized on earth.”
Jesus said, “This image is to be a sign that I rule Heaven and earth, and My Kingdom, My Reign, is near at hand. . . . I give this image to mankind as a source of graces and of peace … This image, my child, must become known. My daughter, those souls who venerate this image of Mine will be blessed with my peace.” (Journal 7, 14-15).
He asked us in this devotion, “My children, come before My Image and pray for your countries. Pray for your people. Pray for your families. Pray for My Mercy which I will graciously grant to those peoples and nations that acknowledge Me as True King. I AM your sure refuge in these most evil and truly dangerous times.” (Journal 24).
St. Michael the Archangel
Around the bottom of the image is the ejaculation, “O Jesus, King of All Nations, may your reign be recognized on earth.”
Jesus said, “This image is to be a sign that I rule Heaven and earth, and My Kingdom, My Reign, is near at hand. . . . I give this image to mankind as a source of graces and of peace … This image, my child, must become known. My daughter, those souls who venerate this image of Mine will be blessed with my peace.” (Journal 7, 14-15).
He asked us in this devotion, “My children, come before My Image and pray for your countries. Pray for your people. Pray for your families. Pray for My Mercy which I will graciously grant to those peoples and nations that acknowledge Me as True King. I AM your sure refuge in these most evil and truly dangerous times.” (Journal 24).
St. Michael the Archangel
The image of St. Michael the Archangel is on the reverse (back) side of the medal. He was sent by Jesus to His Secretary many times to show her how he wished to appear with our Eucharistic Jesus on the medal. St. Michael appeared in flight enveloped in glory with a fiery sword in his right hand raised above his head. His left hand held a pair of scales over the earth representing justice. (See Wis. 1:15) St. Michael is believed to carry the souls of all the deceased where they are judged and symbolically weighed in his perfectly balanced scales.
St. Michael wore a crown set with sparkling diamonds and surmounted in the front by a cross. To the right of St. Michael above his head appeared the Sacred Host with the letters “IHS” and a small cross above. “IHS” is the monogram derived from the Greek word for Jesus. Drops of the Most Precious Blood dripped from the Sacred Host into a chalice below symbolizing His constant stream of Mercy. (Journal 106-107).
St. Michael told Jesus’ Secretary, “Let souls turn to me for renewed devotion to Our Lord in this Blessed Sacrament! He must be properly adored, loved, thanked, praised and worshiped in this the Most Glorious Sacrament. Let souls call upon me whenever sacrileges and abominations are being committed against the Most High God in this Sacrament of His Love. I promise to put to flight His every enemy. GREAT is my zeal for the glory of God!” (Journal 86).
Jesus, Mediator, Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Grace

St. Michael wore a crown set with sparkling diamonds and surmounted in the front by a cross. To the right of St. Michael above his head appeared the Sacred Host with the letters “IHS” and a small cross above. “IHS” is the monogram derived from the Greek word for Jesus. Drops of the Most Precious Blood dripped from the Sacred Host into a chalice below symbolizing His constant stream of Mercy. (Journal 106-107).
St. Michael told Jesus’ Secretary, “Let souls turn to me for renewed devotion to Our Lord in this Blessed Sacrament! He must be properly adored, loved, thanked, praised and worshiped in this the Most Glorious Sacrament. Let souls call upon me whenever sacrileges and abominations are being committed against the Most High God in this Sacrament of His Love. I promise to put to flight His every enemy. GREAT is my zeal for the glory of God!” (Journal 86).
Jesus, Mediator, Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Grace

This is a painting of a mystical vision. (See Journal 129-130). The painting teaches that God the Father “so loved the world that He gave His only Son.” (Jn. 3:16).
The Son in turn gave to His Father His very Self (see Lk. 23:46), consecrated Himself for our sake (see Jn. 17:19) and gave to us His Body and Blood (see Lk. 22:19-20) and the Holy Spirit. (See Jn. 20:22).
Mary stood near the Cross (see Jn. 19:25) and Jesus gave her to us and us to her. (See Jn. 19:26). From this holy sacrifice and Our Lady’s mediation, grace and mercy come to us.
The painting manifests the objective and subjective redemptions. The objective redemption by Jesus’ death made full reparation for the sins of the world and merited for us grace and mercy which are distributed to us in the subjective redemption by the mediation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Our Lady appears as the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary symbolizing her role as Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix of all Grace. She suffers in union with Jesus as our Co-Redemptrix and offers us the grace and mercy merited by Him through her heart as Mediatrix and begs us for our reparation and consecration in the subjective redemption.
This vision is re-presented at every Mass when Jesus as Mediator consecrates Himself to His Father and truly gives us His Real Body and Blood under the appearances of bread and wine. Our Lady stands beneath Him as Mediatrix and mediates His grace and mercy to us.
As we gaze at and meditate upon the painting we see that Jesus Christ is Mediator between the divine nature of the Holy Trinity and our human nature. The divine nature of the Holy Trinity is symbolized by the gold triangle which overlaps the Cross. Jesus hangs from them both symbolizing His sharing of the divine and human natures.
From the Cross proceeds a red triangle. This symbolizes the Blood of Christ and the grace and mercy that He merited. Jesus and Mary are within this grace and mercy. Our Lady is a gift of God’s mercy. She stands at the foot of the cross as Mediatrix of All Grace. The faces of Jesus and Mary are blank so that we may substitute ours in their places in the hope of becoming like them.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus shows a white dove and the cross-shaped wound caused by the soldier’s spear. The Heart itself is in the form of a dove symbolizing the Holy Spirit which descends upon Our Lady’s head. (See Lk. 1:35).
Her Immaculate Heart likewise shows a white dove and is pierced by a sword of sorrow (see Lk. 2:35) which proceeds from her Heart through the Word of God which she holds in her hands. This Word, like her Son, the Word made flesh, is living, effective and sharper than any two-edged sword. (See Heb. 4:12). The sword sets the earth on fire as Jesus came to do. (See Lk. 12:49).
The Cross becomes a part of Our Lady’s clothing in the habit of the Brown Scapular because she shared her Son’s Cross as our Co-Redemptrix. Her Brown Scapular proceeds from her and envelops the whole world as does the grace and mercy of God which she mediates to us. This is symbolized by the red-color inside of the Scapular. The brown-colored side is the sign of our consecration to her. She promised St. Simon Stock that “whosoever dies clothed in this scapular shall never suffer eternal fire.”
She calls us to consecrate ourselves to her as Mediatrix of all Grace so that Jesus may reign as King in every heart. Let us respond to her call now!
The Son in turn gave to His Father His very Self (see Lk. 23:46), consecrated Himself for our sake (see Jn. 17:19) and gave to us His Body and Blood (see Lk. 22:19-20) and the Holy Spirit. (See Jn. 20:22).
Mary stood near the Cross (see Jn. 19:25) and Jesus gave her to us and us to her. (See Jn. 19:26). From this holy sacrifice and Our Lady’s mediation, grace and mercy come to us.
The painting manifests the objective and subjective redemptions. The objective redemption by Jesus’ death made full reparation for the sins of the world and merited for us grace and mercy which are distributed to us in the subjective redemption by the mediation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Our Lady appears as the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary symbolizing her role as Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix of all Grace. She suffers in union with Jesus as our Co-Redemptrix and offers us the grace and mercy merited by Him through her heart as Mediatrix and begs us for our reparation and consecration in the subjective redemption.
This vision is re-presented at every Mass when Jesus as Mediator consecrates Himself to His Father and truly gives us His Real Body and Blood under the appearances of bread and wine. Our Lady stands beneath Him as Mediatrix and mediates His grace and mercy to us.
As we gaze at and meditate upon the painting we see that Jesus Christ is Mediator between the divine nature of the Holy Trinity and our human nature. The divine nature of the Holy Trinity is symbolized by the gold triangle which overlaps the Cross. Jesus hangs from them both symbolizing His sharing of the divine and human natures.
From the Cross proceeds a red triangle. This symbolizes the Blood of Christ and the grace and mercy that He merited. Jesus and Mary are within this grace and mercy. Our Lady is a gift of God’s mercy. She stands at the foot of the cross as Mediatrix of All Grace. The faces of Jesus and Mary are blank so that we may substitute ours in their places in the hope of becoming like them.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus shows a white dove and the cross-shaped wound caused by the soldier’s spear. The Heart itself is in the form of a dove symbolizing the Holy Spirit which descends upon Our Lady’s head. (See Lk. 1:35).
Her Immaculate Heart likewise shows a white dove and is pierced by a sword of sorrow (see Lk. 2:35) which proceeds from her Heart through the Word of God which she holds in her hands. This Word, like her Son, the Word made flesh, is living, effective and sharper than any two-edged sword. (See Heb. 4:12). The sword sets the earth on fire as Jesus came to do. (See Lk. 12:49).
The Cross becomes a part of Our Lady’s clothing in the habit of the Brown Scapular because she shared her Son’s Cross as our Co-Redemptrix. Her Brown Scapular proceeds from her and envelops the whole world as does the grace and mercy of God which she mediates to us. This is symbolized by the red-color inside of the Scapular. The brown-colored side is the sign of our consecration to her. She promised St. Simon Stock that “whosoever dies clothed in this scapular shall never suffer eternal fire.”
She calls us to consecrate ourselves to her as Mediatrix of all Grace so that Jesus may reign as King in every heart. Let us respond to her call now!
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