Thursday, December 29, 2016

Le Chapelet Angélique de Dieu et de Marie, Rose Mystique

Cette nouvelle couronne angélique a les mêmes caractéristiques d'un chapelet normal et en plus elle est adaptée pour lutter contre le mal sous toutes ses formes: catastrophes naturelles, accidents, maladies, infestations d'objets et de maisons. La puissance de Dieu se manifeste dans toute sa gloire, afin que tous les chrétiens soyent prêts, avec un cœur plein d'amour et de foi, à sa venue.
Le simple contact avec la couronne angélique en union avec la prière des anges réalise l'ensemble des 21 promesses célestes pour les derniers temps que nous vivons.
La couronne angélique aidera et convertira également de nombreuses familles détruites par l'avortement et protègera d'innombrables enfants au risque d'être avortés.
Dans la section «Messages du Ciel" vous pouvez trouver toutes les références surnaturelles qui expliquent l'importance de la Couronne Angélique.

Le Chapelet Angélique de Dieu et de Marie, Rose Mystique

Prière du chapelet Angélique de Dieu et de Marie, Rose Mystique.

Au nom du Père, et du Fils et du Saint Esprit.

Ô Dieu, viens me sauver avec tes anges. Seigneur, viens à mon aide.

Sur la Croix : le Credo

Premier grain en forme de rose : Notre Père

Sur les premiers trois grains blancs :

« Je vous salue Marie » pour obtenir plus de foi

« Je vous salue Marie » pour obtenir plus d'espérance

« Je vous salue Marie » pour obtenir plus de charité.

Premier grain, Marie première rose mystique

Ô Saint Michel Archange, « Qui est comme Dieu ? », guide-nous vers l'humilité pour combattre le démon de l'orgueil, afin que nous devenions, à la ressemblance de Jésus eucharistie humble et doux de cœur, pour appartenir à sa royale dynastie. Amen.

Sur les sept grains blancs (répéter 7 fois)

Ô Marie, Reine des Anges, intercède pour nous auprès du Seigneur, en vue de préparer Sa Majestueuse Venue avec Ses pieux enfants marqués du sceau royal de l'Esprit Saint, ton divin Epoux. Amen.

Deuxième grain en forme de rose

Ô Saint GABRIEL Archange, Puissance de Dieu », enseigne-nous à donner généreusement pour combattre le démon de l'avidité, afin que nous devenions, à la ressemblance de Jésus donateur de vie éternelle, pour appartenir à sa royale dynastie. Amen.

Sur les sept grains blancs (répéter 7 fois)

Ô Marie, Reine des Anges, intercède pour nous auprès du Seigneur, en vue de préparer sa Majestueuse Venue avec Ses pieux enfants marqués du sceau royal de l'Esprit Saint, ton divin Epoux. Amen.

Troisième grain en forme de rose

Ô Saint RAPHAËL Archange, « Médecine de Dieu », guéris-nous de toutes les maladies et de tous les péchés d'impureté, en vue de combattre le démon de la luxure, afin que nous devenions, à la ressemblance de Jésus saint et pur de cœur, pour appartenir à sa royale dynastie. Amen.

Sur les sept grains blancs (répéter 7 fois)

Ô Marie, Reine des Anges, intercède pour nous auprès du Seigneur, en vue de préparer Sa Majestueuse Venue avec ses pieux enfants marqués du sceau royal de l'Esprit Saint, ton divin Epoux. Amen.

Quatrième grain en forme de rose

Ô Saint URIEL Archange, « Feu de Dieu », enseigne-nous à devenir patients, en vue de combattre le démon de la colère, afin que nous devenions, à la ressemblance de Jésus agneau patient, pour appartenir à sa royale dynastie. Amen.

Sur les sept grains blancs (répéter 7 fois)

Ô Marie, Reine des Anges, intercède pour nous auprès du Seigneur, en vue de préparer sa Majestueuse Venue avec ses pieux enfants marqués du sceau royal de l'Esprit Saint, ton divin Epoux. Amen.

Cinquième grain en forme de rose

Ô Saint JEHUDIEL Archange, « Louange de Dieu », guide-nous vers l'acceptation des décrets divins pour combattre le démon de l'envie, afin que nous devenions, à la ressemblance de Jésus, parfait exécuteur des décrets du Père, pour appartenir à sa royale dynastie. Amen. 

Sur les sept grains blancs (répéter 7 fois)

Ô Marie, Reine des Anges, intercède pour nous auprès du Seigneur, en vue de préparer sa Majestueuse Venue avec Ses pieux enfants marqués du sceau royal de l'Esprit Saint, ton divin Epoux. Amen.

Sixième grain en forme de rose

Ô Saint ZEADKIEL Archange, « Prière à Dieu », enseigne-nous à être modérés en vue de combattre le démon de la gloutonnerie, afin que nous devenions, à la ressemblance de Jésus, parfait en chacune de ses actions, pour appartenir à sa royale dynastie. Amen.

Sur les sept grains blancs (répéter 7 fois)

Ô Marie, Reine des Anges, intercède pour nous auprès du Seigneur, en vue de préparer sa Majestueuse Venue avec ses pieux enfants marqués du sceau royal de l'Esprit Saint, ton divin Epoux. Amen.

Septième grain en forme de rose

Ô Saint BARACHIEL Archange, « Bénédiction de Dieu », rends-nous zélés en vue de combattre le démon de la paresse, afin que nous devenions, à la ressemblance de Jésus, occupé à faire la volonté du Père, pour appartenir à sa royale dynastie. Amen.

Sur les sept grains blancs (répéter 7 fois)

Ô Marie, Reine des Anges, intercède pour nous auprès du Seigneur, en vue de préparer Sa Majestueuse Venue avec ses pieux enfants marqués du sceau royal de l'Esprit Saint, ton divin Epoux. Amen.


Ô Seigneur Tout-Puissant, qui te manifestes humblement dans la Sainte Eucharistie, par l'intercession de la Très Sainte Marie, Rose Mystique et de tes sept Archanges qui, nuit et jour, te louent auprès de Ton Saint Trône, nous te prions de nous accorder tes sept saintes vertus chrétiennes, afin que la royale onction fortifie notre âme, en sorte que nous puissions vaincre toutes les causes de nos maux grâce à ta divine providence, maintenant et toujours. Amen.


(révélation privée)

Marie-Rose a reçu des révélations particulières qui expliquent bien des mystères du livre de l'Apocalypse, le dernier livre de la Bible tellement obscur, même pour l'exégèse théologique moderne. Mais Marie-Rose a eu le privilège de recevoir des explications de la part de Jésus, parce que les temps sont proches et qu'il est nécessaire de bien se préparer.

La voyante, sollicitée pour donner la priorité à cette attente, révèle qu'en ce qui concerne le chapitre 20 de l'Apocalypse, elle a reçu une des plus importantes révélations. Marie-Rose raconte : « J'ai demandé au Seigneur qui était cet ange qui descendait du Ciel avec la clé de l'abysse et une grande chaîne à la main. Le Seigneur m'a répondu : « C'est le chef des anges, l'Archange Michel qui, bientôt, viendra emprisonner Satan et tous ses démons dans l'enfer, mais pour faire cela, l'Archange Michel a besoin de vos prières et tout particulièrement de la récitation quotidienne du Chapelet Angélique de Dieu et de Marie, Rose Mystique ».

A côté de Jésus, je vois Marie, les mains remplies de pétales de roses rouges et l'archange Michel qui tient dans sa main droite un Chapelet brillant. Marie sourit ; l'Archange Michel me confie ce Chapelet brillant, mais une fois que je le tiens, je ressens une grande chaleur dans les mains, comme s'il brûlait. Et Jésus continue en me disant : « Je suis venu mettre le feu sur la terre, et ce que je veux, c'est qu'il s'allume ? » (voir Luc 12,49). Avec ce Chapelet, j'allumerai le feu mystique sur la terre, et beaucoup subiront une transformation mystique, d'un cœur froid qui deviendra passionné pour mes Mystères et aux Mystères de Marie et de mes saints anges. Vous apprendrez ce que feront pour vous les archanges Michel, Gabriel, Raphaël, Uriel, Jehudiel, Zeadkiel et Barachiel, et de quelle manière ils défendront mon Eglise lors d'une des dernières attaques de Satan ». Après que Jésus eut cessé de parler, Marie répandit sur le monde des milliers et des milliers de pétales de roses rouges qu'elle tenait entre ses bras, comme un dernier don à l'humanité. L'archange Michel prit alors la parole et me dicta mot à mot les 21 promesses divines pour qui récitera le Chapelet Angélique spécial des derniers jours.


Marie-Rose, pourquoi le Seigneur, à travers l'archange Michel, t'a donné ce nouveau chapelet angélique de Dieu et de Marie, Rose Mystique ? Les chapelets déjà utilisés par le peuple de Dieu ne suffisaient-ils pas ?

Je t'explique cela tout de suite. Tu vois, tous les autres chapelets, y compris celui du Très Saint Rosaire, ce sont des chapelets adaptés pour connaître Dieu, pour l'aimer et le servir et pour obtenir les grâces promises.

Ce nouveau chapelet angélique a les mêmes caractéristiques, mais en plus, il est adapté pour le combat contre le mal sous toutes ses formes : calamités, accidents, maladies, infestations d'objets et de maisons. Le contact avec le chapelet angélique uni à la prière, et voilà qu'intervient la protection angélique et la réalisation de toutes les 21 promesses célestes.

Peux-tu t'expliquer davantage ? Je voudrais comprendre à fond la raison de l'utilisation de ce chapelet angélique spécial de Dieu et de Marie, Rose Mystique, afin de pouvoir le recommander aux amis de Dieu. Bravo ! Tu as bien dit. Ce chapelet, les amis de Dieu et ceux qui lui rendent un culte peuvent le posséder, afin que Dieu se manifeste avec toute la puissance des célestes promesses.

La puissance de Dieu est en train de se manifester dans toute sa gloire, parce que tous les chrétiens doivent être prêts, avec un cœur plein d'amour et de foi, à sa venue. Il ne veut pas de chrétiens distraits, contrariés, ennuyés, qui suivent toutes les modes du monde et non pas la volonté de Dieu, qui est souverain de tout et de tous.

Ce n'est pas que je veuille me montrer dubitatif sur la puissance du chapelet angélique, mais il y a des promesses si profondes que, parfois, leur sens m'échappe. Aie pitié de mon peu de compréhension, mais explique-moi ces promesses mystiques qui concernent la récitation du chapelet angélique de Dieu et de Marie, Rose Mystique. Voici, pour pouvoir comprendre toute la puissance de Dieu, une vie ne suffirait pas...

Voici la première promesse :

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique se sauvera de toute peine et évitera la première mort pendant le temps du septième sceau de l'Apocalypse.

Il doit clairement comprendre que les peines sont celles indiquées dans le livre de l'Apocalypse, et qui concernent tant les bons que les méchants, mais certains bons, qui ont une foi plus grande, donc les élus, seront préservés de toutes les peines, y comprise celle qui dérive du péché originel, donc la première mort, qui se transformera, après une très longue vie en un doux sommeil.

La deuxième promesse

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique sera classé parmi ceux qui seront sauvés avec l'élévation des élus ;

c'est à la lumière de la deuxième lettre aux Thessaloniciens que l'on comprend de quelle manière le Seigneur sauvera les élus. Dit en termes plus simples, les anges reconnaîtront les élus quand ils verront, comme signe distinctif, le chapelet angélique de Dieu et de Marie, Rose Mystique, signe de la couronne spirituelle de la véritable dévotion à Dieu, et au moment crucial du grand châtiment, les élus seront enlevés par les anges et déposés en des lieux sûrs de manière douce et sûre.

La troisième promesse

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique verra le Seigneur Ressuscité venir sur les nuées :

c'est à la lumière de l'Evangile que ceci doit être interprété, parce que la venue de Jésus dans le monde pour juger les vivants et les morts ne survient pas en dehors du temps, mais dans le temps, à un moment précis de l'histoire de l'homme et au cours d'une génération déterminée. Marie-Rose, connais-tu la génération qui verra la venue de Jésus Ressuscité ?

Oui, c'est un secret qui m'a été révélé.

Peux-tu nous révéler ce secret ou bien es-tu contrainte à respecter, comme d'autres voyants, des dates particulières pour la révélation du secret ?

Non, je ne suis plus obligée. Le Seigneur permet cette entrevue parce que je dois annoncer ses merveilles. Ses messages sont merveilleux, le chapelet angélique de Dieu et de Marie, Rose Mystique est merveilleux. Tous les élus qui connaîtront Dieu et le suivront sont merveilleux par leur royale onction.

Le secret que je dois dévoiler est celui-ci : Jésus ressuscité reviendra dans les nuées sur la terre pour la génération née après 1940.

Mais alors, nous sommes arrivés presque à la fin ?

Oui. Désormais le Seigneur est prêt à retourner sur la terre. Mais il veut que tous ses fidèles se préparent de manière adéquate avant la rencontre finale entre les fils de la lumière et les fils des ténèbres.

Donc, les promesses sont en relation avec la fin des temps ?

C'est vraiment ainsi, et voici la quatrième promesse :- celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique bénéficiera d'une protection spéciale des sept archanges, tant avant que pendant le temps de l'Apocalypse :

il est dédié à ceux qui ont une foi faible, affaiblie par la modernité qui met tout en doute, y compris le fait que nous sommes enfants de Dieu. A certains, il convient d'être des enfants d'un singe. Mais beaucoup oublient que le diable est un « singe de Dieu », c'est-à-dire quelqu'un qui singe Dieu, comme le singe qui semble être un humain mais ne l'est pas. Ainsi, le diable est satisfait de voir que les hommes pensent être des enfants de singe. Bien sûr, lui aussi l'est, d'une certaine façon, par rapport à Dieu.

Voici la raison pour laquelle le Seigneur a donné la cinquième promesse :

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique contribuera à chasser de la terre tout démon de la terre, de l'eau, du feu, de l'air et du sous-sol :

Beaucoup pensent que le diable n'existe pas ou, tout au plus, qu'il reste toujours en enfer et ne dérange ni les humains ni les choses. Mais ce n'est pas exact, et la vie des saints a toujours démontré le contraire. Pour ce motif, le Seigneur donne une arme formidable pour vaincre n'importe quel type de démon à l'aide du chapelet angélique de Dieu et de Marie, Rose Mystique. Le démon s'enfuit, terrorisé, à la vue de ce céleste chapelet, parce qu'il suffit de commencer à l'égrener, et déjà l'archange Michel et les autres anges le font fuir avec la queue entre les jambes. Faites-en la preuve, et voyez quelle scène se présentera devant vos yeux.

La sixième promesse est dédiée aux élus qui iront habiter dans la nouvelle Jérusalem :

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique fera partie des habitants de la Jérusalem céleste, qui descendra sur Dozulé ;

À Dozulé, la Croix Glorieuse se fera, ce ne sera pas l'Eglise qui est devenue sourde aux rappels de Dieu, mais elle sera faite par Dieu lui-même, qui manifestera de cette manière sa puissance à ceux qui n'ont pas voulu croire la voyante Aumont ni J. N.S.R.

Mais ceci est un autre secret que tu es en train de me dévoiler ?

Oui. Ne recueillez plus de signatures pour la faire ériger. Il n'est désormais plus temps. Bienheureux ceux qui ont construit la petite Croix Glorieuse dans leur propre ville et dans leur propre pays ou même dans leur propriété, parce que le Seigneur sera bienveillant à l'égard de cette ville, de ce pays et de ces familles qui l'ont glorifié avec une grande énergie, de l'argent et surtout avec beaucoup d'humiliations de la part des incrédules. Pauvres incrédules, quelle vilaine fin ils feront. Il aurait mieux valu pour eux de ne pas naître plutôt que de souffrir ce qu'ils devront pâtir pour leur opiniâtre manque de foi. Le chapelet angélique de Dieu et de Marie, Rose Mystique, est leur dernière planche de salut.

C'est pour cela que le Seigneur a donné la septième promesse

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique ne perdra jamais la foi en Christ ni en l'Eglise Catholique :

Maintenant, beaucoup pensent que Jésus ne viendra pas au cours de cette génération ; peut-être pensent-ils qu'il viendra après le second millénaire. Ils ne le disent pas mais ils le pensent pour justifier leur laxisme et leur peu de foi. Mais à celui qui le demandera, le Seigneur viendra à la rencontre de sa faiblesse. « Seigneur, augmente en nous notre foi », disaient les apôtres, et ainsi nous aussi devons le dire en priant intensément.

La huitième promesse s'explique d'elle-même

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique fera sortir du Purgatoire 21 parents afin de les faire jouir des joies du Paradis.

La neuvième promesse manifeste ultérieurement la puissance du chapelet angélique contre le démon :

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique enlèvera des mains du démon 21 parents liés par le vice, l'athéisme et l'incroyance ;

À la base du peu de foi et du manque absolu de foi se trouve toujours le diable qui, avec les émanations des paroles assaisonnées de sagesse de ce monde, trouble tous les sens intérieurs qui reconnaissent en Dieu leur Seigneur. Le chapelet angélique fera la lumière dans les ténèbres parmi beaucoup de membres de notre famille.

Dans la dixième promesse, on remarque la générosité du Seigneur, qui va aussi à la rencontre de ceux qui, simplement, ne connaissent pas leur vrai Dieu, et qui, par erreur, l'adorent sans s'en rendre compte, dans les fausses religions.

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique aidera le Seigneur et les anges à sauver les justes des autres religions ;

Les fausses religions ont été créées par le Diable pour tromper les croyants. Le dialogue avec les autres religions est inutile. Le Seigneur m'a expliqué que le seul dialogue avec les autres religions est une reconnaissance partielle de leur vérité religieuse présumée ainsi qu'une non-reconnaissance de la vraie religion, qui est la religion chrétienne. Le dialogue avec les autres religions est un péché de religion. Il ne faut pas dialoguer avec les autres croyants, mais il faut, comme Jésus l'a dit, évangéliser. Pauvres missionnaires, ils sont tous devenus des professeurs d'histoire des religions, qui dialoguent avec d'autres croyants, comme s'ils parlaient de philosophie et non du saint Evangile de Jésus, mort pour nous sur la croix et ressuscité pour glorifier la vérité de sa Parole qui sauve.

Voilà pourquoi le Seigneur a donné cette onzième promesse :

- Celui qui prie le Chapelet Angélique aidera le Seigneur et les anges à renouveler la face de la terre;

C'est seulement avec la prière que nous aidons le Seigneur à changer le monde. Non pas avec des dialogues ou, pire encore, avec les bavardages des vains synodes ou conseils pastoraux, mais avec les groupes de prière avec les familles réunies qui prient devant le Crucifix. C'est seulement de cette manière que l'on aide le Seigneur et ses anges.

La douzième promesse concerne ceux qui sont disposés à recevoir l'onction royale :

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique recevra tous les dons de la Deuxième Pentecôte ;

encore nombreux sont ceux qui ne connaissent pas encore leur mission et encore moins leur nobiliaire dignité, s'ils ont quelque dévotion à Jésus, Roi des Rois et à la Madone, Reine du Ciel et de la Terre. Mais cela sera expliqué à part dans un autre livre de messages.

La treizième promesse est une conséquence merveilleuse de la douzième promesse :

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique recevra, des mains de Marie, Rose Mystique, le chapelet sur lequel sera inscrit son propre titre nobiliaire.

La quatorzième promesse rappelle de nouveau une protection angélique ultérieure durant les trois jours de ténèbres, quand les démons parcourront l'entière planète, comme des loups assoiffés de sang, à la recherche d'âmes perdues ou de faible foi.

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique, en plus de la protection de l'ange gardien, aura celle de sept archanges de l'Apocalypse ;

Le Seigneur vient également à la rencontre de ceux qui ne se sentent pas bien physiquement avec la quinzième promesse :

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique avec foi et amour sera guéri de ses propres maux et aura la grâce de guérison envers ceux qu'il voudra guérir ; même les maladies proviennent du démon qui cherche de toutes les manières à nous faire désespérer. De nous faire croire que Dieu, au fond, n'existe pas et que les maux physiques et le mal spirituel viennent par hasard ou de nous-mêmes. L'Evangile parle clairement. Jésus éloignait les démons et guérissait tous les types de maladie. Celui qui ne veut pas y croire, tant pis pour lui, car il ne connaîtra jamais la véritable guérison.

La seizième promesse, le Seigneur veut également étendre sa protection sur les choses auxquelles nous tenons, et surtout sur ceux qui nous sont chers :

- Celui qui priera la Chapelet Angélique protègera sa propre maison, les personnes qui l'habitent et personne ne lui enlèvera ses propres biens, mais pour y croire, cela nécessite une foi spéciale qui vient seulement de Dieu, accompagnée de la foi en Dieu ainsi que de la lecture des Saintes Ecritures. Voici pourquoi le Seigneur donne

La dix-septième promesse :

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique recevra des révélations spéciales pour comprendre la Bible ainsi que les derniers événements, afin de ne pas se laisser confondre ni prendre peur ;

- avant de lire la Parole de Dieu, il est indispensable d'invoquer les sept archanges, qui expliqueront à notre esprit la vérité que nous n'avions jamais connue auparavant, parce que nos yeux spirituels étaient aveuglés par l'esprit du monde ;

la dix-huitième promesse est une conséquence de la précédente ; à la fin, l'âme des élus, qui ont reçu l'onction royale, comme moi et tant d'autres voyants, pourront connaître ces secrets que le Seigneur révèle seulement à ses amis :

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique pourra monter sur l'échelle mystique et connaître les secrets de l'au-delà ;

Celui qui devient l'ami du Seigneur devient automatiquement l'ami des anges ; voici pourquoi le Seigneur donne

Le dix-neuvième promesse :

- Celui qui priera le Chapelet Angélique deviendra ami des Anges et des Archanges, et il verra qui sont ses saints patrons ;

En outre, vingtième promesse, le couronnement de l'engagement que l'élu prend à l'égard du Seigneur et pour lequel il est récompensé de manière particulière :

- celui qui fera connaître le Chapelet Angélique sera mentionné sous un titre nobiliaire spécial dans le LIVRE D'OR DE LA VIE ;

De la même manière se produit, avec la vingt-et-unième promesse :

- Celui qui répandra le Chapelet Angélique dans d'autres nations, recevra une mission spéciale dans la JERUSALEM CELESTE parmi les élus et les nouveaux Rois de la nouvelle terre.


The Angelic Crown of God and Mary, The Mystical Rose

Maria Rosa (Mary Rose) was given particular revelations that explain many mysteries in the book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, which remains obscure even for modern theological exegesis. However, Maria Rosa had the privilege of receiving particular explanations from Jesus, because his time is near and we should be prepared.

The seer said that she had received one of the most important revelations for Revelation chapter 20. Maria Rosa explained: "I asked the Lord who the angel descending from heaven with the key to the abyss and a great chain in his hand was.

The Lord replied: "He is the head of the angels, the Archangel Michael, who will soon lock Satan and his demons in hell, but in order to do this the Archangel Michael needs your prayers and in particular the daily recital of the Angelic Crown of God and Mary, Mystical Rose." Next to Jesus I saw Mary with her hands full of red rose petals and the Archangel Michael with a shining crown in his right hand. Mary was smiling. The Archangel Michael gave me the shining crown, but when I took it I felt and great heat in my hands, a burning sensation. Jesus continued saying, "I came to set fire to the earth and what do I what will I do if it won't burn? (see Lk 12:49) "With this crown I will bring a mystic fire to the earth and many people will undergo a mystic transformation; cold hearts will turn into hearts that burn for my mysteries , Mary's mysteries and my holy angels' mysteries. You will know what the archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Jegudiel, Sealtiel and Barachiel do for you and how they will defend my Church in one of Satan's last attacks".

When Jesus had finished speaking, Mary strew thousands upon thousands of the red rose petals she had in her arms over the earth, as a final gift to mankind. Then the Archangel Michael told me word for word the 21 divine promises for those who will recite the special Angelic Crown for the last times .

This crown is made up of 49 beads, subdivided into 7 groups by 7 rose-shaped beads and finished with 3 beads and a glorious cross at the end.

The 21 promises briefly (the explication of them is in the interview):

1.Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will be saved from all punishment and will avoid the first death during the time of the seventh seal of the apocalypse

2.Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will be among those saved with the relief of the elect.

3.Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will see the risen Jesus come on the clouds

4.Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will have a special protection from the seven archangels both before and during the apocalypse

5.Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will contribute to driving out every kind of demon from the earth, water, fire, air and underground;

6.Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will be among the inhabitants of the heavenly Jerusalem which will descend upon Dozulé

7.Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will never lose faith in Christ and the Catholic Church

8.Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will save 21 relatives in purgatory so they may benefit from the joys of paradise;

9.Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will take away from the hands of the devil 21 relatives bound in vice, atheism or false belief

10.Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will help the Lord and angels to save the righteous from other religions; 

11.Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will help the Lord and angels to renew the face of the earth

12.Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive all the gifts of the second Pentecost;

13.Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive a crown with his own noble title from the hands of Our Lady, Mystical Rose;

14.Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive not only the protection of their guardian angel but also the protection of the seven archangels of the Apocalypse (this promise is another claim to angelic protection, especially during the three days of darkness)

15.Whoever prays the Angelic Crown with faith and love will be healed of their own ills and have the grace to heal those who want it

16.- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will protect their own house and none of their belongings will be taken; however believing this requires a special faith that comes from God alone through prayer and reading the Holy Scriptures.

17.- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive special revelations to understand the Bible and end-time events so they will not become confused or be frightened;

18.-Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will be able to climb the mystic staircase and know the secrets of heaven;

19.- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will become a friend of the angels and archangels and will see their own patron saints;

20.-Whoever makes the Angelic Crown known will be named in the BOOK OF LIFE with a special title;

21.Whoever spreads the use of the Angelic Crown in other nations will have a special place in the HEAVENLY JERUSALEM among the elect and the new kings of the renewed earth.

The Angelic Crown of Maria, Rosa Mystica

This crown is made up of 49 beads, subdivided into 7 groups by 7 rose-shaped beads and finished with 3 beads and a glorious cross at the end. Note * in the absence of original Rosary , which is very hard to get, you can use a similar one, for example: The Rosary of the 7 Sorrows of Virgin Mary or The Rosary of Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Hoy Spirit,

O God, come and save me with your angels, Lord, come and help me soon.

On the CrossCreed (brief version)

First rose-shaped bead: Our Father

For the first three white beads: Hail Mary - for greater faith, Hail Mary - for greater hope, Hail Mary - for greater love

The first mistery (instead the bead for Our Father):
O Holy Archangel MICHAEL , "Who is like God?", Lead us in humility to fight the demon of pride, that we might become in the likeness of the Eucharistic Jesus, meek and humble of heart, to belong to his royal dynasty. Amen.

On the next 7 beads:

O Mary, Queen of Angels, intercede for us with the Lord to prepare for His Majestic coming with his devoted children, marked by the royal seal of the Holy Spirit, your divine Bridegroom. Amen

Second Mistery:
 O Holy Archangel GABRIEL, "Power of God," Teach us to give with generousity to fight the demon of greed, so we become in the likeness of Jesus, giver of eternal life, to belong to his royal dynasty. Amen.

On the next 7 beads: 
O Mary, Queen of Angels, intercede for us with the Lord to prepare for His Majestic coming with his devoted children, marked by the royal seal of the Holy Spirit, your divine Bridegroom. Amen.

Third Mistery:
O Holy Archangel RAPHAEL, "Medicine of God" , heal us from all diseases and all sins of impurity to fight the demon of lust, so that we become in the likeness of Jesus, holy and pure of heart, to belong to his royal dynasty . Amen.

On the next 7 beads: 
O Mary, Queen of Angels, intercede for us with the Lord to prepare for His Majestic coming with his devoted children, marked by the royal seal of the Holy Spirit, your divine Bridegroom. Amen.

The 4th Mistery:
O Holy Archangel URIEL, "Fire of God," Teach us to be patient to fight the demon of wrath, that we might become in the likeness of Jesus, patient Lamb, to belong to his royal dynasty. Amen.

On the next 7 beads:
O Mary, Queen of Angels, intercede for us with the Lord to prepare for His Majestic coming with his devoted children, marked by the royal seal of the Holy Spirit, your divine Bridegroom. Amen.

The 5th mistery:
 O Holy Archangel JEHUDIEL , "Praise to God", lead us to accept the divine decrees to fight the demon of envy, that we might become in the likeness of Jesus, perfect executor of the decrees of the Father, to belong to his royal dynasty. Amen.

On the next 7 beads:
O Mary, Queen of Angels, intercede for us with the Lord to prepare for His Majestic coming with his devoted children, marked by the royal seal of the Holy Spirit, your divine Bridegroom. Amen.

The 6th mistery:
 O Holy Archangel SEATIEL , "Prayer to God," Teach us to be temperate to fight the demon of greed, so that we become in the likeness of Jesus, perfect in every action, to belong to his royal dynasty. Amen.

On the next 7 beads:
O Mary, Queen of Angels, intercede for us with the Lord to prepare for His Majestic coming with his devoted children, marked by the royal seal of the Holy Spirit, your divine Bridegroom. Amen.

The 7th mistery:

 O Holy Archangel BARACHIEL , "Blessing of God", guide us in the zeal for the Lord , to fight the demon of sloth, that we might become in the likeness of Jesus, committed to doing the will of the Father, to belong to his royal dynasty. Amen.

On the next 7 beads:
O Mary, Queen of Angels, intercede for us with the Lord to prepare for His Majestic coming with his devoted children, marked by the royal seal of the Holy Spirit, your divine Bridegroom. Amen.

Let us pray:

O Lord Almighty, that with humility you reveal yourself in the Holy Eucharist, through the intercession of Mary most Holy, the Mystical Rose and of your seven Archangels that day and night worship You by Your Holy Throne, We pray You to grant us your Holy Christian seven virtues to be strengthened in soul with the royal anointing, so that we can defeat all the sources of our illnesses and grant us always your divine providence now and forever. Amen.


-Maria Rosa, why did the Lord give you this new angelic crown of God and Mary Mystic Rose? Weren't the ones in use by God's people enough?

-I will explain straight away. All the other crowns, including the Holy Rosary, are suitable for knowing God, for loving and serving him and seeking his promised grace. This new angelic crown has the same characteristics and is also suited to the battle against evil in all its forms: disasters, accidents, illnesses, infestations of objects and houses.
You just need contact with the angelic crown along with prayer and angelic protection and the fulfilment of the 21 divine promises will come about.
Friends of God can possess this crown, those that are devoted, so that God may show all the powers of his heavenly promises. God is manifesting his power in all its glory, because Christians need to be ready, with hearts full of love and faith, for his coming. He does not want distracted, fed up, bored Christians who follow the ways of the world and not God's will, which is sovereign over everyone and everything.

-I do not wish to appear doubtful about the power of the angelic crown...but there are such profound promises, that sometimes I can't understand them. Be patient with my lack of understanding and explain the mystical promises regarding the recital of the angelic crown of God and Mary and Mary Mystical Rose.

-A lifetime is not enough to understand the power of God. Many promises will be understood after reading the book of heavenly promises "How to be saved from the Apocalypse and the first death".
Indeed,the first promise:

- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will be saved from all punishment and will avoid the first death during the time of the seventh seal of the apocalypse; it should be made clear that the punishments are those mentioned in the book of Revelation regarding the righteous and the wicked, but some of the righteous, those with greater faith, the elect, will be preserved from all punishment, including the one caused by original sin, i.e. the first death, which will be transformed into a particularly long life in a restful sleep.

The second promise :

- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will be among those saved with the relief of the elect; this may be understood in the light of the second letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians, when the Lord explains how the elect will be saved. Basically, the angels will recognise the elect when they see the distinctive sign of the Angelic Crown of God and Mary Mystical Rose as a spiritual crown of true devotion to God. At the crucial moment of the worst punishment the elect will be relieved by angels and gently and securely taken to safe places.

The third promise:

- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will see the risen Jesus come on the clouds; this should be interpreted in the light of the Gospel, because Christ's return to earth in order to judge the living and the dead will not be untimely, but will occur at the right time in a precise moment in the history of mankind and in a specific generation.
-Maria Rosa, do you know which generation will see the return of the risen Jesus?
-Yes, this secret was revealed to me.
-Can you tell us this secret or are you bound to particular dates for revealing the secret like other seers?
-No! I am no longer bound by any restrictions. The Lord has permitted this interview because I must reveal his wonders. His messages are wonderful, the Angelic Crown of God and Mary Mystical Rose is wonderful. All the elect who will know God and follow him are wonderful because of their royal anointing.
The secret I must reveal is this: the risen Jesus will return to earth on the clouds for the generation born after 1940.
-So we are almost at the end?
-Yes. By now the Lord is ready to return to earth, but he wants all his churchgoers to be adequately prepared before the final battle between the children of the light and the children of darkness. ---The promises are related to the end times, then?
-That's right, in fact this leads us to the fourth promise:

- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will have a special protection from the seven archangels both before and during the apocalypse; this is dedicated to those whose faith is weak, undermined by modernity that doubts everything; even the fact that we are children of God. Many people are happy to think they are children of a monkey. However, many forget that the devil is a "monkey of God", or rather, a monkey god, like a monkey that appears human, but isn't. Thus, the devil is happy if people think they are monkeys' children. In a way, that is what he is in relation to God!

For this reason God gave the fifth promise:

- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will contribute to driving out every kind of demon from the earth, water, fire, air and underground;
many people believe the Devil does not exist or, at most, that he always stays in hell and does not bother people or things. However, the lives of the saints have always showed the opposite. This is why the Lord has provided a formidable weapon to defeat any type of demon with the Angelic Crown of God and Mary Mystical Rose. The devil will flee in terror at the sight of this heavenly crown because you only need to reach for it and the Archangel Michael and the other archangels will make it flee with it's tail between its legs. Try it and you will see what unfolds before your eyes!

The sixth promise is dedicated to the elect who will live in the new Jerusalem :

-Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will be among the inhabitants of the heavenly Jerusalem which will descend upon Dozulé; The glorious cross will be made in Dozulé, not by the Church that has grown deaf to God's call, but by God himself, who will show his power in this way to those who did not want to believe in the seer Madeleine Aumont or J.N.S.R.
-Is this yet another secret that is being revealed?
-Yes. Do not go around collecting signatures to have it put up. There is no more time left. Blessed are those who have built small glorious crosses in their own towns our even on their own land because God will be merciful to that town, country or family who have made great efforts to glorify him in terms of energy, money and undergoing humiliation from disbelievers. Poor disbelievers, what a horrible end they will have! It would have been better for them never to have been born than to suffer for their terrible lack of faith. The last anchor of salvation is the Angelic Crown of God and Mary Mystical Rose.
This is why the Lord gave us the seventh promise:

- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will never lose faith in Christ and the Catholic Church; many no longer believe Jesus will come back for this generation, perhaps, they think, he will come after the second millennium, in the third millennium. They do not say so, but that is what they think, justifying their laxity and poor faith. However, the Lord will come to help those who seek his help in their weakness. "Lord, increase our faith", said the apostles, so we, too, should pray with intensity.

The eighth promise is self- explanatory:

- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will save 21 relatives in purgatory so they may benefit from the joys of paradise;

The ninth promise shows the power of the Angelic Crown against the devil:

- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will take away from the hands of the devil 21 relatives bound in vice, atheism or false belief; the devil is always responsible of our poor faith or complete lack of faith, using the smoke of words full of the knowledge of this world that clouds the inner senses of that acknowledge God as their Lord. The Angelic Crown will bring light where there is darkness to many of our relatives.
The generosity of the Lord can be seen in the tenth promise even to those who simply do not know the true God and who unknowingly worship him in false religions:

- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will help the Lord and angels to save the righteous from other religions; false religions were created by the devil to confuse believers. Dialogue with other religions is useless. The Lord has explained to me even dialogue with other religions is a partially acknowledgement of their claim to religious truth and a denial of the true religion, which is Christianity. Dialogue with other religions is a religious sin! There is no need to have dialogue with other believers, but rather we should evangelise them, as Jesus told us to do. Poor missionaries, they have become like religious history teachers who speak to other kinds of believers as though they were talking about philosophy rather than the sacred gospel of Jesus, who died on the cross for us to glorify the truth of his saving Word!

This is why the Lord gave the eleventh promise:
- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will help the Lord and angels to renew the face of the earth; only by prayer we can help the Lord to change the world, not by dialogue, or worse, by chatting in various synods or pastoral committees. We can contribute through prayer groups and families who pray together before the
crucifix. Only in this way we can help the Lord and his angels.

The twelfth promise concerns those who will receive the royal anointing:
- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive all the gifts of the second Pentecost;
many still do not know what their personal mission is or even have a sense of their own noble dignity, if they have any devotion to Jesus, the King of kings and Our Lady, the Queen of heaven and earth.

The thirteenth promise is a wonderful consequence of the twelfth promise:
- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive a crown with his own noble title from the hands of Our Lady, Mystical Rose;

The fourteenth promise is another claim to angelic protection, especially during the three days of darkness when demons will be roam like bloodthirsty wolves over the entire planet on the lookout for lost souls or those with weak faith. 
-Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive not only the protection of their guardian angel but also the protection of the seven archangels of the Apocalypse;

The Lord will provide abundant help for those who are physically suffering with fifteenth promise:
- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown with faith and love will be healed of their own ills and have the grace to heal those who want it: even diseases come from the devil, who tries in any way he can to make us despair. He wants us to believe God does not exist and that physical and spiritual problems are just coincidence or even our fault. Jesus casted out demons and healed all kinds of illnesses. So much the worse for those who do not believe, because they will never experience healing.

With the sixteenth promise the Lord wishes to extend his protection to those we care about and especially our loved ones:
- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will protect their own house and none of their belongings will be taken; however believing this requires a special faith that comes from God alone through prayer and reading the Holy Scriptures.

For this reason the Lord gave the seventeenth promise:
- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive special revelations to understand the Bible and end-time events so they will not become confused or be frightened;
before reading the Word of God people should call on the seven archangels who will explain the truth to our spirits, a truth we have never known before, because our spiritual eyes were blinded by the spirit of the world.

The eighteenth promise is a consequence of the previous one, for the souls of the elect, for those who have received a royal anointing, like me and many other seers, who will know the secrets the Lord reveals only to his friends:- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will be able to climb the mystic staircase and know the secrets of heaven;

- Whoever becomes a friend of the Lord automatically becomes a friend of the angels,
Which is why the Lord gave the nineteenth promise:- Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will become a friend of the angels and archangels and will see their own patron saints;

The twentieth promise is the crowning of the efforts of the elect towards the Lord, for those who are given a special reward:

- Whoever makes the Angelic Crown known will be named in the BOOK OF LIFE with a special title;

The same applies to the twenty-first promise:

- Whoever spreads the use of the Angelic Crown in other nations will have a special place in the HEAVENLY JERUSALEM among the elect and the new kings of the renewed earth.


source  where you can buy this rosary:

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Rosary of Holy Trinity (of Lady of All Nations)

You can use a regular rosary.The additional Title "Mary Queen of Angels and all humans" in the "Lady of All Nations prayer", was given by Our Lady to the visionary who has received this special rosary for the end times.(This visionary decided to remain anonymous)

In the name of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit.

1.On the cross: Apostle's Creed

2.On the next large bead: Our Father

3.On the next 3 beads:

All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy God, visit and heal our infirmities for thy Name's sake.

Lord, have mercy. (Thrice)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

4. On the next large bead:

O Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, Who art everywhere and fillest all things; Treasury of Blessings, and Giver of Life - come and abide in us, and cleanse us from every impurity, and save our souls, O Good One.

Holy God! Holy Mighty! Holy Immortal! Have mercy on us. (3x)

First decade:

On the first large bead:

All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy God, visit and heal our infirmities for thy Name's sake.

Lord, have mercy. (Thrice)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

On the next 10 small beads:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father,

send now your Spirit over the earth.

Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations,

that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster, and war.

May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Queen of Angels and all humans, be our Advocate. Amen.

Second decade:

On the large bead:

All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy God, visit and heal our infirmities for thy Name's sake.

Lord, have mercy. (Thrice)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

On the next 10 small beads:

 Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father,

send now your Spirit over the earth.

Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations,

that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster, and war.

May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Queen of Angels and all humans, be our Advocate. Amen.

Third decade: 

On the large bead:

All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy God, visit and heal our infirmities for thy Name's sake.

Lord, have mercy. (Thrice)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

On the next 10 small beads:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father,

send now your Spirit over the earth.

Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations,

that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster, and war.

May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Queen of Angels and all humans, be our Advocate. Amen.

Fourth decade:

On the large bead:

All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy God, visit and heal our infirmities for thy Name's sake.

Lord, have mercy. (Thrice)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

On the next 10 small beads:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father,

send now your Spirit over the earth.

Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations,

that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster, and war.

May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Queen of Angels and all humans, be our Advocate. Amen.

Fifth decade:

On the large bead:

All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy God, visit and heal our infirmities for thy Name's sake.

Lord, have mercy. (Thrice)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

On the next 10 small beads:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father,

send now your Spirit over the earth.

Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations,

that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster, and war.

May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Queen of Angels and all humans, be our Advocate. Amen.

Ending Prayer:

Holy God! Holy Mighty! Holy Immortal! Have mercy on us. (3x)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

My hope is the Father, my refuge is the Son, my shelter is the Holy Spirit, O Holy Trinity, Glory to You.

Conclude with a praise and a thanksgiving song to Our Lord.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Rosary of reparation (The Rosary of the End Times)

1.In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.Amen

2.Apostle's Creed

3.Our Father

4. 3 Hail Marys for an increase of faith, hope and charity

5. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

6. Our father

First decade (Rosary of the blessed virgin Mary)

1 Our Father 10x Hail Mary 1 Glory Be (with the first joyful/sorrowful/light/glorious mistery of the day)

Second decade (The chaplet of the divine mercy):

1x "Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world."

10x "For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world."

Third decade (The chaplet of the Holy Wounds)

1x "Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
To heal the wounds of our souls."

10x  "My Jesus, pardon and mercy. 
Through the merits of Thy Holy Wounds."

Fourth decade (Rosary of liberation)

1x "If Jesus makes me free
I will be free indeed"

10x "Jesus have mercy on me
Jesus heal me
Jesus save me
Jesus free me"

Fifth decade (Chaplet of Unity, of Jesus, King of all Nations)

1x "God our Heavenly Father, through Your Son Jesus, our Victim-High Priest, True Prophet, and Sovereign King, pour forth the Power of Your Holy Spirit upon us and open our hearts.  In Your great mercy, through the motherly mediation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Queen, forgive our sinfulness, heal our brokenness, and renew our hearts in the faith, and peace, and love, and joy of Your Kingdom, that we may be one in You."

10x  "In Your great mercy, forgive our sinfulness, heal our brokenness, and renew our hearts that we may be one in You."

Sixth decade (The chaplet of the Flame of Love)

1x “Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us who seek refuge in thee!”

10x “Holy Mother, save us through your Immaculate Heart’s Flame of Love!”

Seventh decade (The rosary of the tears of blood)

1x "O Jesus, look upon the tears of blood of Her who loved Thee most while on earth and who loves Thee most intimately in Heaven."

10x ""O Jesus, hear our petitions for the sake of the tears of blood shed by Thy dearest Mother."

Let us pray:

"Hear, O Israel!  The Lord Our God is One God! O Lord, let the entire world  know you, honor you and love you.O Holy Mary, stay with us, pray for us.Holy Angels, pray for us, stay with us.Holy Michael, the Archangel, fight for us.King of Holy Love, have mercy on us.Amen"

Jesus: "My dear reparation child, with the Seven decades of this rosary you honor the 7 days of creation, the 7 sacraments and the 7 sorrows of my Mother.With this rosary you are making reparation to My Holy Blood, My Divine Mercy, my Holy Wounds, My Liberation, My Holy Father, The Flame of Love of my Mother's Heart and to Her Holy Tears."

The promises given by Jesus for this rosary:

All who, in spirit of reparation, will pray this rosary in this times, with regularity, daily if it's possible, will receive from Me all the graces that are given to all the full 7 rosaries.Each decade I'll receive as a full rosary.From the love of my Holy Merciful Heart, I give plenary indulgence to my reparation children who are praying this in the hour of their death.Receive in your hearts this sign of My Love, because with this rosary I give you all the graces from my vessels.To all who offer, after possibilities, the second decade (Rosary of the divine mercy) for the dying, I promise the salvation of their family and of their dear ones, I promise defense, protection against the plans, curses and attacks of the Devil and I also promise that this children of mine will avoid Purgatory.My promise is that all who spread this rosary will be listened in their requests.

Message given by Our Lord in april 2009 Sopron (Hungary)

My dear reparation children, I love this rosary and through it, I give a lot of graces.Always offer to Me the second decade to the dying so many souls can be saved.My Divine Heart embrace my children who offers each decade of this rosary as reparation to My Most Holy Heart.My promise is that all who spread this rosary will be listened by Me in their requests.Now when the sin is terrible and those who pray are rare, and more rare are those who make reparation, it's very important to be known this big gift, this rosary that brings salvation.My Divine Heart gives you, through this rosary, all of My treasures, graces and gifts.Yes, I ask my reparation children to receive this rosary as a grace instrument for the victory of salvation the souls, victory of reparation and victory of liberation.I ask all my reparation chilldren, that lives in Hungary, to receive this rosary as a sign of my Merciful Love, this rosary that I give to the entire world through a reparation women that sacrifices herself, pray, save souls, receive prophecy and see visions.She truly is an important instrument for your salvation and protection.My dear children, this is the Rosary of the end times, the last lifeline for the conversion of sinners.My Heart Will is to receive, pray, spread and love this rosary, and I will give, through it, a lot of graces to the world in the end times.My dear children, I give to you many graces, I save and release a lot of souls through it.Many souls are released from darkness and many souls in Purgatory are released too.My Merciful Heart loves you, helps you, strength you, consoles you and bless you.Amen!

Saturday, December 17, 2016



OCTOBER 02, 2016 - 8:50 A.M.


Who is like God. NO ONE IS LIKE GOD. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

May the peace of the Almighty be with you all and my assistance and protection always accompany you.

Brothers, I'm Michael, your prince and I am among you by the grace and permission of my Father. Do not hesitate to call me when you to feel yourself being attacked; I am available to the People of God. Pray my prayer of combat during the day and at night or when you are most in need because these days are already days of spiritual battle; Satan and his demons are loose and roam the world, looking for ways to make sure you are lost.

Brothers, attacks on minds have intensified; my opponent is sending you thoughts of aggression, anger, resentment, violence, impurity and other sins of the flesh through his fiery darts; to make you fall and to make blood flow. Do not despair, when the dart reaches your mind, repel it immediately, invoking the power of the Blood of the Divine Lamb. Call upon our beloved Queen and Lady, invoking her Immaculate Conception; call upon the Saints and Blessed Souls, or call upon me or my brothers the Angels and Archangels of the Kingdom of my Father.

Do not forget, brothers, that you must first ask permission from Our Father, each one of you who calls upon us with the prayer of Our Father and if it is I whom you call, do not forget my battle cry: Who is like God. No one is like God (3 times). I will come to your aid and I will come with my sword and my spear to destroy each fiery dart and action of the evil one, so that you do not fall into temptation.

When you receive the attack, do what I just told you, so that it doesn’t take hold in your mind and contaminate your senses. My opponent wants to take possession of souls, suppressing them first in the mind; if he has control of your mind it will be easier to take possession of your soul. Do not play his game, do not think that it is not worth your effort; remember that my opponent is astute and he is the father of lies. He is looking for you to fall into temptation so that you will sin and remain unprotected by the grace of God.

Keep what I am saying ever in mind because I remind you that the greatest battles for your freedom will take place in your mind. Pray at all times so that when the days of the great tribulation arrive, your mind will be strengthened by prayer. Read the Holy Word of God, which is the Sword of the Spirit, especially the Psalms of protection and liberation, so you can defend yourselves from the attacks of my adversary. Do not forget to be wearing your Spiritual Armor day and night,  and apply it to your families most in need.  The battles for your liberation are spiritual and your mind is the battlefield.  So, protect your mind with the whole armor of God, which has been conveyed to you through our brother Enoch, so that you can be victorious in spiritual warfare every day.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of the Universe. The heavens and the earth are full of the majesty of your Glory. We praise and adore you forever, beloved Father.

Your Brothers and Servants, Michael the Archangel and the Angels and Archangels of the Kingdom of God.

Brothers, make known our messages to all mankind.


19 OCTOBER 2016 10: 35 A.M
May My peace be with you sheep of my flock.
The vast majority of this ungrateful and sinful humanity has not wanted to accept my amnesty of Love, Forgiveness and Mercy. They refuse to enter the door of forgiveness; Oh, what sadness I feel in my heart to see so many spurn my gift of mercy! You poor sinners who have not wished to attend to my calls; you poor lukewarm of heart who continue in your spiritual tepidity! Today you turn your back on me and do not show me your face and tell yourselves that nothing will happen to you. Foolish and imprudent ones, the salvation of your soul is in danger; if you do not accept my amnesty of forgiveness, I assure you that many will not last through the arrival of my Warning.
This year of mercy and forgiveness is the grace that I give you so that tomorrow you can endure your path to eternity. What are you waiting for, stiffnecked mankind, to come back to Me? If you do not accept my mercy now, I assure you that you will no longer find it. These are the last appeals that I am making to you before leaving; I do not want your death, my little rebels.
I ask you, my flock, to share this year of my mercy with all those in your family who are walking in sin or lukewarmness, so that tomorrow they are not lost when I knock on the door of their souls. Enter through the door of My mercy, my flock, and do what I ask of you, so that you gain the indulgence and apply it to those who are furthest from Me.  Pass spiritually through the door of My mercy, so that when the day of my Warning comes, you are not lost and can be awakened and come back to me.
Come back to Me, rebellious children; I do not want your death. I will be waiting up to the last second of my Mercy. Do not leave me waiting. Do not leave me with my arms open. I love you and I want you to live and to be with me in Paradise. Hurry, run, do not delay; see that the day is waning and night is upon us. Be prepared because when you least expect it, the Son of Man will come knocking on your door. Peace I leave you, my peace I give you. Repent and convert for the kingdom of God is near.
Your Master, Jesus the Good Shepherd.
Make known my messages, sheep of my flock.